5 OCTOBER 1850, Page 9

The Paris papers of yesterday make an immense pother out

of an al- leged coolness between President Bonaparte and General Changarnier. The cause is alleged to be the President's grossly obvious courting of the mili- tary with the " erustula blandi "—sandwiches, champagne, and cigars— with which he regales the soldiery at his constant reviews. At a review on the plain of Satory, on Wednesday, General Changamier presented him- self an hour before the President, in order to escape accompanying him in his carriage ; and as soon as the strictly military part of the proceedings was over, while the champagne corks were flying, he abruptly left the field, and returned to Paris by the train. The ostensible objection of the General to these military festivities is that they fatally relax discipline.

Madame de Vaines, a niece of M. Guizot, was severely burned a few days ago at the Château de Villelouet, her dress having accidentally taken -fire ; and the Paris papers of yesterday announce her death. She was 'only in her twenty-fifth year.

No certain intelligence is received today from the Schleswig forces before Frederichstadt. It is rumoured, on the one hand, that the Danes have re- covered some lost ground, and are sure of aid from the chief body ; on the other hand, that the town was completely surrounded and must surrender.