5 OCTOBER 1850, Page 9

There is unusual stir among the authorities of the Customhouse.

Last week, intimation was given that the annual month's leave of absence accorded to each of the landing-officers was suspended for the present. This is occasioned by an extra demand for service, in consequence of a resolution by the Board that a measurement should be taken of the quan- tity of wine deposited in the vaults at the London and St. Katherine Docks. It is said that this is the first time that such a herculean task has been undertaken. Landing-waiters have been brought from Liver- Tool, Bristol, and other first-class ports, to assist ; and m addition, the aid of fifteen Excise-officers has been called in. If the Board do not rest satisfied with an "average," the time required for a perfect survey can only be reckoned by the year. It is believed that this step has sprung out of the charge of fraud against some of the dock companies.