Lord Carnarvon gave a striking address at Saltaire on Tuesday
to the Salt Schools, nominally on education•, really upon the qualifications which training imparts for the just understanding of politics. His leading point was that the cardinal condition of intelligent interest in politics was to value truth, to look upon honesty as the beat policy, and to despise intrigue in public life as we do in private. " Intrigue never answers." "I have known a diplomatist, ranking as high in modern politics as any man living, who in the whole course of his career has made this his invariable rule,—that he never would, even in the minutest matters, swerve one single hair's-breadth from that which he be- lieved to be absolute and actual truth ; and over and over again he -has told me that he has found, not only satisfaction to his conscience, bards° that it was by far the most politic course that he could take." That lesson is required, for " the majority in every country like truth very much when his upon their side," and just now," though there is much latitude of opinion, there is also much impatience of contradiction," Lord Carnarvon believed, with Bacon, that though mixing truth with falsehood might sometimes for a moment make things easier, still it was like mixing an alloy with metal,— the metal was debased. It is a pity the Ministry were not pre- sent, as the audience once or twice, by its laughter, suggested they wpm