Weights And Measures.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your issue of the 28th ult. you draw attention to the Act recently passed prohibiting any newspaper reports of weights and measures......
"the Sorrows Of The Slow."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE"SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—" The Sorrows of the Slow" have their abundant compen- sations in this world of compromise, and this century of torment I trust you......
Wives, Or Benefices?
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—In your review of the Rev. W. Stephens's " Memorials of the Cathedral of Chichester" (Spectator, January 6th, 1877), you call attention......
Letters To The Editor.
MRS. HOGGAN AND THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. [TO THE. EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—In a letter published in your issue of the 7th ult., certain statements were made in......