As we pointed out last week, the assurance given to
M. Stambouloff by the Turkish Commissioner at Sofia, that Bulgaria, if invaded by Russia, would be supported by Turkish troops, meant that the Sultan had received certain assurances from the Triple Alliance. The Premdenblatt, the organ of the Austrian Foreign Office, now assures Turkey that the Powers will welcome an official recogni- tion of Prince Ferdinand as legal Prince of Bulgaria. It is believed, therefore, that the Sultan will propose, in a circular to the Powers, to take that step. That is an important resolve, and it is supposed that it will be confirmed by the visit of the Emperor William to Constantinople, during which he will discuss some matters of high importance with the Sultan, who, however, able as he is in a way, has a marked dread. of nniving at decisions. He is not a vacillating man so much as one who can never make up his mind.