Income - Tax : A Brief Summary Of The Law. By R.
Denny Willis and Joseph A. Shearwood. (C. W. Deacon.)—Mr. Willis's portion "contains a general account, historical and statistical, of the Income-tax ;" that contributed by Mr.......
Christian Progress In China. By Arnold Foster, B.a....
Society.)—Alter an interesting introduction (which gives, by-the-way, a lower estimate than is commonly received of the population of Chins) we have chapters on " The Bible in......
The History Of Ancient Civilisation. Edited By The Rev. I.
Verschoyle, M.A. (Chapman and Hall.)—This handbook, which the editor has " based upon M. Gustave Ducoudray's Histoire Sommaire de In Civilisation,"' obviously attempts too much.......
Christianity Made Science. By Rev. Thomas Prescott, M.a....
Norgate.)—This is a well-intended and courageous effort to solve one of the great questions of the day ; but we question whether it will prove acceptable either to the believer......
Daniel The Beloved. By The Rev. William M. Taylor. (c.
Barnet and Co.)—This volume contains thirteen lectures on the Book of Daniel, planned with a special view to edification. We have no fault to find with the writer's carrying out......
Joseph Rogers, M.d. : Reminiscences Of A Workhouse...
Edited, with a Preface, by Professor Thorold Rogers. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—Dr. Rogers spent his life in advocating various reforms, and specially in manful and, in the end,......
Christianity East And West. By Thomas Grieve Clark....
Stoughton.)—Mr. Clark describes his book as an " ecclesias- tical pilgrimage." We may begin by saying that the experiences therein related would have been better put in a......
A Treatise On Money And Essays On Present Monetary Problems.
By J. Shield Nicholson, M.A. (Blackwood and Sons.)—The first third of this volume is occupied by a treatise on "Money," originally published for the Annual of the Wholesale Co......
The Ancient World And Christianity. Translated From The...
E. de Pressense,. D.D., by Annie Harwood Holman. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—In this volume, evidently the work of a man of great learning, M. de Pressenae traces what he conceives......