Daniel the Beloved. By the Rev. William M. Taylor. (C.
Barnet and Co.)—This volume contains thirteen lectures on the Book of Daniel, planned with a special view to edification. We have no fault to find with the writer's carrying out of his purpose ; but we cannot but think that he would have done better to omit any detailed notice of the prophetic portions. It is difficult to under- stand what he means when he says that he found them "so intimately connected with [Daniel's] character and position" that such an omission was impossible. It is quite obvious that they are wholly different in character from any other Old Testament prophecies, nor can we imagine any difficulty in detaching them from the earlier portion of the book. "The story of Daniel has long been a favourite with children," writes the author, and he goes on to say that he has "sought specially to emphasise the lesson which it teaches to all who are engaged in business or public life." But surely these extraordinarily minute predictions are really remote from such lessons.—Another Scripture bio- graphy, also written with a special view to edification, is David : the Man after God's Own Heart, by the Rev. H. C. Stow (Nisbet and 'Co.)—We have another treatment of a familiar subject in Jesus Christ, the Divine Man : His Life and Times, by the Rev. J. F. Vallings, one of the series of " Men of the Bible."