The entry of four new States into the American Union
was completed on Tuesday, when North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington held their first elections for the purpose of adopting State Constitutions, and for choosing Governors and Members of Congress,—the net result of the elections being the return of five Republicans to the Lower House, and of six Republicans and two Demo- crats to the Senate. Though the effect on the House of Representatives at Washington will be comparatively small, only five new Members being added to a body of 325, the Senate, which numbers now only 76, will be very sensibly affected by the entrance of eight new Senators. In both Houses, the balance of parties will be strongly in- fluenced. The Republican majority in the Senate will be raised from two to six; while in the House of Representatives it will be increased from three to eight. Another point of interest con- nected with the event is the fact that unless Texas is some day split into three or four States, these will be among some of the last entries into the Union. There remains now little land out of which to carve fresh Commonwealths. New Mexico is doubtless anxious to become a State—a Convention is at this moment being held to formulate her demand—but it is unlikely that her petition will be granted just yet, for 60 per cent. of the 109,736 half-bred Indians and Spaniards who form the bulk of her population, are illiterate. Utah's path is barred by polygamy. There are left, then, only the Territories of Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, and the great Indian Reserve from which new States could be created, for the Alaskan fishers and trappers could not seriously claim two places in the Senate.