5 OCTOBER 1901, Page 23


Allsheler (J. A.), The Wilderness Road, cr Svo (Heinemann) 6/0 Archer (W.), Poets of the Younger Generation, Svo (Lane) net 21/0 Barlow (G.). To the Women of England, & other Poems (H. J. Ginisher) net 5/0 Begbie (L. F.), Boshtan Ballads, 12mo (Sim net 2/6 Benefactress (The), by Author of "Elizabeth and her German harden," cr Svo (Macmillan) 6/0 Benson (R. DI.), The War Songs of the Prince of Peace, 2 vols. 8v0 (J. Murray) each net Biddnlph (J.), Stringer Lawrence, the Father of the Indian Army, cr 8v0 (J. Murray) net Boothby (Guy), Farewell, Nikola, Cr 8vo (Ward & LOck) Burner (J.) and Orr (S.), Gammon and Spinach, oblong 4to .. . ...(Blaakie) Buchner (L.), Last Words on Materialism and Kindred Subjects, Cr Svo (Watts) net 6/0 Clowes (W. L.), The Royal Navy- a History, Vol. VI., r3vo...(Low) net 25/0 Conversations of James Northeote, RA., with James Ward on Art and

Artists 8vo (Methuen) 10,6

Cordingley (W. G.), A Counting House Guide, Cr Svo (E. Wilson) net 7,6 Cowan (A.), The K Rays in Freemasonry, cr Svo (E. Wilson) net 2fil Croker (B. M.), Angelr a Sketch in Indian Ink, cr Svc) (Methuen) 6,0 Crosskey (L. R.) and Thaw (James), Advanced Perspective (Blackie) 46 Davies (A. J.), Athirt the Downs, cr 8vo (Skeffington) 2/6 Debenham (M. II.), The Waterloo Lass, cr Svo .........(National Society) 3/0 Dickson (W. K.), Life of Major-General Sir B. M. Smith, K.C.M.G., 8vo (W. Blackwood) net 15/0 Du Chaillu (".), The World of the Great Forest, 8v0 (J. Murray) net VG Duckworth (L.), An Epitome of the Law affecting Marine Insurance,

(E. Wilson) net 3 C esronve

El L. C.), Shakespeare in Music, cr 8vo (Nutt) not Fenn (G. M.), The Cankerworm, er Svo (Chatto & Windus) 6 Fernie (W. T.), Kitchen Physic, cr Svo (Simpkin) 60 (Nisbet) 66

Festing (G.), Unstoried in History, cr 8vo (Morgan & Scott) 3/0 Foundation Truths of the Gospel : Essays, cr Bye Geikie (C.), The Vicar and his -Friends, cr 8vo (Longmont)) net 510 (Stockwell) 46 Gibson (J. H.), Apocalypse Sketches, or 8,o (Partridge)2/6

Graydon (W. M.), On Winding Waters, cr 8vo Green (E. E.), Olivia's Experiment, Cr 8vo (Hutchinson 6/0

(U. Allen) met 3/6

Grierson (F.), The Celtic Temperament,-12mo - (Stockwell) 2/6 Guthrie (R.), Idylls of Rosehill, cr evo Guthrie ( \V.), The Christian's Great Interest, Limo (S.S.U.) 2/6 Haggard (H. it.) A Winter Pilgrimage. 8vo (Longmans) net 12,6 Hamilton (J. G.), From Strength to Strength, cr 8vo (Stockwell) net 26 Harris (W. T.), The Spiritual Sense of Dante's Divine Commedia (K.Paul) 5/0 Hayden (E. G.), Travels Round Our Village, 8vo (Constable) net 7/6

Headlam (Cecil), The Marriage of Mr. Molyneux (Hurst & Blacked) 6/0

Meddle (Ethel F.), An Original Girl, Cr Svo (Macho) 670 Holloway. (H.), , Confirmation and Communion of luinuts and Young.- Children, cr 8vo (Skeffington) 5/0

Hornung (E. W.), The Black Mask, cr Svo / 6,b

Irving (Theo), Half Way to Hades, cr /Ivo (I. Maine) 3.6 Johnson (E. .1.), The Private Memoir Of Madame Roland (Richards) 6/0 Jokai (ff.), Hall the Pedlar, or 8vo (Jerrold) 6/0 King (L. W.). Assyrian Language, cr 8ro. s (K. Paul) net 3/6

Knowlson (T. S.), How to Study England Literature, cr 8vo Richards) 3/6

Kyd (Thomas). Works, edited by F. S. Boas, Svo (Oxford Univ Press) net 15/0

Lang (Andrew), The Mystery of Mary Stuart, 8vo (Longmans) net 18/

Lloyd (Marguerite), The Lily Princess, cr 8vo (Skeffington) 2/6 Locock (C. D.), Side and Screw, er 8,o (Longinaus) not 5/0 Lyall (Edna), In Spite of All, cr 8vo (Hurst & Blackett) 6,6 Lyttelton (Hon. Mrs. A.), Women and their Work, cr tivo (Methuen) 2,6

MacLehose (S. H.), The Last Days of the French Monarchv,-er 8,0 •

(XacLehose) net 6/0

Magician's Handbook (The), by "Selbit,'F Svo (Dawlrarii a; Ward) net 2/6

Marchmont (A. W.), For Love or Crown, cr avo ...... . .... ... (Hutchinson) 6,0

Mason (A. E. W.), Clementine, cr Svo (Siethuen) 6/0

Mee (H U.111), Wheels Within Wheels, er 8vo (Ward & Lock) 3/6 Mitchell (S. Weir), Circumstances, cr Svo (Macmillan) 6/0 Nesbit (B.), The Would-be-goods, cr 8vo Unwin) 670 Nisbet (J.), Burma Under British Rule, 2 vols. Svo (Constable) net 32/0 Palmer (W. H.), Two Thousand Questions with Answers, cr 8vo (Simpkin) 4/6 Perry (W. C.), The Boy's Odyssey, cr 8vo (Xonnilial) 6,6

Pierson (C. D.), Among the Pond People, cr Elvo (J. Murray) 5/0

Popplewell (W. C.), The Prevention of Smoke, Svo (Scott Z.:Greenwood) net 7/6 Posse (N.), Handbook of School Gymnastics of the Swedish System,

18mo • (K. Paul) net -2/6 Rawson (C.), A Dictionary of Dyes, Mordants, and other Compounds used

in Dyeing, Svo (Griffin) net 16/0 Robinson (E. K.), To-Day with Nature, cr Svo (Richards) C•0 Roper (E.), Ice Bound ; or The Anticosti Cruseos, cr Svo (Partridge) 2/6 Ruata (C.), Pulmonary Tuberculosis, cr 8vo (Simpkin) net 3;0

St. Martin's-in-the-Fields : Churchwardens' Accounts, 1525-1603, folio

(Sim kiu net 42/0 Savage (R. H.), In the House of His Friends, cr 8vo

Scientific Philosophy (A), Svo aonnleiuseltitiei 71/3

Sharp (Evelyn), The Youngest Girl, cr 8vo (Macmillan 6/0

Simmons (A. T.) and Steuliouse (E.), Experimental Ilygicne.s (Macmillan 2/6

Sketches from the Works of Fourier, cr Svo (Sonnenschein 2/6 Squire (C.), The Great Khan's Treasure, Cr Svo (Blackie) 3/6

Stevenson (F. W.);Modern Appliances in Gas Manufacture, 4to

(Fielden Pub. Co.) 5/0

Stevenson (B.), Through Rhodesia with the Sharpshooters (Macqueen) 3/6

5/0 a 5/0 5/0 6/0

Thick-nesse (Lily), Poems, ihno (E. Mathews) net 2/6

Tribulations of a Princess (The), by Author of "The Martyrdom of an Empress," 13vo (Harper) 7/6 Upton (F. K.), The Golliwogg's Auto-Go-Cart, oblong 4to (Liar:gm:um) 6/0 Warden (Florence), A Fight to a Finish, or 8vo (Chatto & Winans) 6/0

Warden (F.), The Lovely Mrs. Pemberton, or 8vo (Long) l.jO

Whitby (Beatrice). Flower and Thorn, or 8v0 (Hurst A Blackett) 6/0

Winslow (H. M.), Concerning Cats, Cr 8vo ' (Nutt) net 6#0

Wynne ynne (The Dan), A Maid of Cymru. cr 8vo (Simpkin) 6/0 Yorke (P. C.), A Note Book of French Literature, or 8vo (Dlackio) net 6/0