5 OCTOBER 1901, page 14

[to The Editor Op The "spectator"]

Sin,—On July 11th, 1890, I had a 'very vivid dream : I . dreamed that I was standing in a darkened room, in the • middle of which was a closed coffin, and as I stood at the foot......

• The Spectre Of The Brocken.

• [To TH4 EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—In 1884 I wrote to Professor' Tyndall inquiring as ts the nimbus which I had so frequently seen in South Africa. In reply he sent me......

- • A Yeoman's Letters...

CM THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] crave your indulgence for a few lines in reference to your notice of the above-named book in the $pectator of September 28th. Of. course, I......

The New Pastime.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR"} SIE, — As the publication of my letter upon the above subject in the Spectator of September 7th has called forth so many inquiries from......

The Millenary Commemoration Of • King Alfred.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."]' your notice of this event (September 28th) there are bra slight errors which you will perhaps kindly allow me to correct , (1) The......

Ito Tbe Editor Op The " Spfatator.")

gra,—For some long time past letters have been appearing in your columns from various correspondents giving accounts of clreara experiences. I have not the back numbers of the......


rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—In the Spectator of September 28th "T." says that the Society for Psychical Research in April, 1888, "issued a circular pointing eat that......