Rothiemurchus. By the Rev. Hugh Macmillan, D.D. (J. M. Dent and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—" Of all the districts over- shadowed by the extensive Cairngorm range," writes the author of this little handbook, "the most magnificent, by universal consent, is Rothiemurchus," and every one who is familiar with the place will be ready to subscribe to the eulogy. " Magnifi- cence " is as clearly the distinctive attribute of this fortunate region as " loveliuess " is that of the pastoral valleys of Somerset and Devon, or as "mystery" is that of the Fens. Happy the land which can boast of such a variety of charms ! The peculiar beauties of Rothiemurchus, its massive and imposing landscape, its gorgeous colouring, its hidden places of solitude and silence, its luxuriant vegetation, its wilderness of remote and awful splendour,—upon all these points Dr. Macmillan dilates with an enthusiasm which will convince the most sceptical of readers and delight all those who are convinced already. Besides the excellent descriptions of scenery, the book contains much inter- esting information as to the remarkable flora of the district, and many of the legends and traditions of the countryside are related at length. Indeed, it is a little difficult not to feel that the attrac- tions of the place are, if anything, exposed too plainly. A beautiful country is like a beautiful woman,—none the worse for a veil. And if all the world were to share Dr. Macmillan's enthusiasm, would the object of it still be worthy of admiration ? He, at any rate, is fully alive to the charms of solitary worship. In a really eloquent passage he describes the silence of the primeval forest: "In its gloomy perspectives, leading to deeper solitudes, there seem to lurk some weird mysteries and speechless terrors that keep eye and ear intent. You have a strange sense of being watched, without love or hate, by all these silent, solemn, passion- less forms, and when most alone you seem least lonely." May the woods of Rothiemurchus long continue to inspire such thoughts as these !