The Bishop Of Norwich, The President Of The Congress,...
his address on Tuesday afternoon, and dealt with the subject of Disestablishment. He claimed to be able to deal impartially with the question, not only from his experi. ence as......
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Speaking To The Canadian Manufac-...
on Thursday week, used some words which have attracted much attention. " Our diplomatic relations carried on by the British Government have not been so successful as we could......
Mr. Keir Hardie, Accompanied By Mr. J. Chowdhury, A Bengali
barrister and leader of the Swadeshi movement, is travelling in Eastern Bengal, and, according to Reuter, has been using the most improper and inflammatory language. The......
But While Disestablishment Would Do Much To Further The...
of the Church viewed merely as a denomination, he was convinced that it would seriously injure the spiritual and moral interests of the nation. Cathedrals and Abbeys would......
The Church Congress Opened On Tuesday At Great Yarmouth....
at the parish church, the Archbishop of Canterbury dealt with the temptations which came from the modern spirit. The old persecuting days were past, and the danger was rather......
The Times Of Friday Prints A Remarkable Letter From Ahmed
Djelaleddin Pasha, who for many years was the favourite of the Sultan of Turkey and his intimate counseller. Ahmed Pasha has lived in Egypt since he was discarded, and now......
The Times Of Monday Prints From Its Special Correspondent A
most interesting analysis of the situations in Newfoundland and British Columbia. Sir Robert Bond's Ministry, having removed the restrictions on the sale of fish to Americans,......