Miss Mona. By Dorothy V. Horace Smith. (Methuen and Co,
3s. 6d.)—This novel, if it can be called a novel, is not for all readers. It does not give dramatic situations, or even incidents, both things which may be reasonably demanded. Writers who 'dispense with them take up a difficult position. They have to do their moralising and reflecting very well, even superlatively well, if they are to be independent of a reader's humours and tastes. Miss Dorothy Smith will soareely take-all-votes; 110W and then -
she may verge on the trite ; but she appears tons to have a certain insight and quiet strength which some day may bring about a really considerable performance. There are two protagonists in the story, a quiet doer of his duty, the other a man of great successes. "Miss Mona" plays the part of an intelligent Chorus.