[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The point in your leading article on the Hatry Crisis, as to whether there exists as firm an insistence as there might be on the necessity of having Directors who really understand
their work, raises once more a question, the importance of which must eventually be recognized.
Surely something is wrong with the principle which leads to the insertion of advertisements such as the following, which appeared in a leading newspaper one day last week :-
GENTLEMAN ENTLEMAN of title is offered DIRECTORSHIP in private limited company ; no investment required. Stated yearly. fees and expenses.—Write Box—, —, ls it to be inferred that the only qualification for this Direc- torship is the possession of a title P I enclose my card.—
I am, Sir, &c.,
London, W.C.1.
[We intend to return to this subject in a later issue.—En. Spectator.]