5 OCTOBER 1929, page 2

The Labour Party Constitution The Last Business On...

a consideration of the proposed new Constitution for the Party. The Con- ference was obviously hostile to the proposal that there should be a new class of Associate Members who......

The Labour Party Conference.

The Annual Conference of the Labour Party opened on Monday at Brighton. Nearly all the Government's statements of importance this week have been made to the Conference. No doubt......

When Questions Were Put To Mr. Thomas He Chose An

unpromising line of country in putting some of the blame for unemployment upon the Gold Standard and the rise in the Bank Rate. He neither made himself clear nor convinced his......

Miss Bondfield The Next Business On Tuesday Was The Debate

on Miss Bondfield's policy at the Ministry of Labour which had been postponed from the previous day. In spite of an appeal from Mr. Lansbury, Mr. W. T. Kelly refused to withdraw......

He Preferred, However, To Talk Of The " Conquest Of

the country by the worker." If that means that the wage-earner must have better conditions, we whole- heartedly agree, but it might equally well mean that the wage-earner is to......

The Presidential Address Was Delivered By Mr. Ii....

Minister of Transport. He asked his audience to remember that he was speaking as President of the Conference and not as a Minister. We need 'not follow hini in detail, for he......

Mr. Thomas And Unemployment.

The " star " speaker at the Conference on Tuesday was Mr. J. H. Thomas. He was rather ill at ease in dealing with unemployment, and his customary geniality withered before the......

There Always Seems To Be This Defect In Labour Party

Conferences, that Presidential addresses bear very little relation to facts. This is true in a much greater degree than of the Conferences of any other Party. It is a pity ; and......