5 OCTOBER 1929, Page 3


On Wednesday Mahmud Pasha, the Egyptian Prime Minister, resigned. The Wafd had made his position impossible by refusing to join in any Coalition Govern- ment. It was only a Coalition Government which could lay his appeal fairly before the country. Of course, Mahmud Pasha had pledged himself to a General Election in order that the new Anglo-Egyptian Treaty might be approved by Parliament. It may be said that any Cabinet could appeal to the country, but Mahmud Pasha, who has been in effect a Dictator, has never pretended that he represents a large enough party to have any chance of a victory at a General Election. He staked his. hopes of getting the co-opera- tion of the Wafd on his services to his Country in negotiating the invaluable agreenient about the N i lc waters for the Sudan and Egypt,: and in. negotiating the new Anglo-Egyptian Treaty, which is more advan- tageous to Egypt thin any, previous Treaty. Having failed, he was wise 'to resign. Adly Pasha, who his twice been Prime Minister, has formed a new Cabinet; and we must wait to see whether reason will prevail over political hatred among Egyptian politicians.