Marching with Frank
From Mr Nanndar Saroop, CBE Sir: I am doubly reluctant to take issue with Peter Oborne (They went to ground', 28 September) — firstly, his father is an old friend, and, secondly, Peter is a fellow member of the Beefsteak, But I am obliged to draw my sword in defence of another fellow member. Frank Johnson was not absent on parade during the Countryside Alliance march on 22 September: we talked at length with him and Virginia that morning — to be precise, about 100 yards from the Household Cavalry Barracks towards Hyde Park Corner.
Narindar Saroop
London W8
From Mr Charles S. McVeigh Sir: Contrary to the assertion that I did not participate in the Countryside Alliance march. I was most certainly there with my family. Indeed, while Peter Oborne may have overlooked my participation in the march, he might be interested to know that yet another Charlie McVeigh was marching with his wife and my granddaughter.
Incorrectly labelling one Charlie McVeigh a villain for not marching could be forgiven as a mistake, but failing to notice a second must be considered careless reporting.
Charlie McVeigh
London E14