Landowners Have Rights, Too
From Sir Edward Greenwell Sir: Ross Clark (Banned wagon, 28 September) gives an inaccurate impression of the Country Land and Business Association's position on the 'right to......
Origins Of Section 28
From Professor Antony Flew Sir: I read your leading article 'Axe Section 28' (21 September) on the day of its publication, during a flight to France, and was thus in no position......
Bags Of Sense
From Mr Peter Woodall Sir: In Banned wagon (21 September) Ross Clark brings a welcome breath of fresh air to the choking mythology which surrounds society's relentless belief in......
Foxy Woxy, Foxy Poxy
From Mr Peter Hamlyn Sir: Robert Gore-Langton ('It's a job for a dog', 21 September) may have made up the city council 'Task-Centred Fox Support Initiative' and its......
According To Matthew
From Mr Patrick Moule Sir: Matthew Parris (Another voice, 28 September) has forgotten his early upbringing. 'The hosts of Gideon' didn't prowl and prowl around; it was the......
Critical Confusion
From Mr Michael Grosvenor Myer Sir: Whether or not Sheridan Morley chooses to denounce Toby Young for his delay in catching up with Twelfth Night (Arts, 28 September), permit me......