Mr. Thomas Berry, who was for many years an Army
Quarter- master, and lately accepted the commutation, was killed a few days ago, by being thrown out of, and run over by, one of the trams on the Leeds and Selby Railway. He was found between two waggons which had been thrown on end, his bead immersed in oil of vitriol.
The Reverend Mr. Teesdale, of Luckington in Wiltshire, shot his man-servant on Thursday week, mistaking him for a robber. Mr. Teesdale happened to look out
t of his bedroom. window about two n the morning, and observed a man going out of the house ; he got his loaded pistols, and called to the fugitive ; who made no answer : Mr. Teesdale fired, and wounded him in the thigh, so severely that, in spite of medical aid, he died twelve days after. A Coroner's Jury found a verdict—" Shot by mistake for a robber." It was stated that several attempts bad recently been made to rob Mr. Teesdale's house. [That might be ; but still, as the man was going from the house and putting no person's life in danger, and as:Mr. Teesdale is a clergyman, it would have been as well as if he had not been "quite so hasty with his flint."] Green, a cotton-spinner of Manchester, cut his wife's throat on Monday, in a fit of jealousy. He did not deny his crime ; and was taken while combing his hair, very coolly, Wore a looking-glass.