Hurst Faction. Commons Upon Reconsideration Determine To...
only The thoroughgoing Morning Post thus boastingly proclaims a palliative of the evil, and whatever the constitution of a Second the policy and designs of the men whose......
Injustice Of English Justice.
"Count John Tyszkiewiez, a Russian gentleman, was yesteiday afternoon robbed, in Fleet Street, of his purse, containing ten sovereigns and six shillings, by a young man, a......
Mr. Bulwer And The Newspaper Stamps: Parliamentary Tactics.
TO TIIE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR. Albany, 2d September 1835. SIR—Agreeable • to that spirit which, whenever you honour me with mention, animates your remarks, a paragraph in last......
Colonial Misgovernment—malta.
IN a previous column, we ,have given a sketch of a new constitu- tion for the island of Malta, drawn up by a gentleman of talent and industry, a native of Malta, now in London,......