HURST faction. Commons upon reconsideration determine to pass. This is
only The thoroughgoing Morning Post thus boastingly proclaims a palliative of the evil, and whatever the constitution of a Second the policy and designs of the men whose congenial organ it is— Chamber may be—suppose it not hereditary, or created by the
" It does not become an ancient nation to be inquiring for ever into the origin Crown on a principle of selection for single lives, but even an- and ' utility ' of every traditionary custom and immemorial institution. like one nually elected by the People—a similar rule ought to be laid of the vulgar parvenu societies formed ten years back, and which in half a cen- down. It seems necessary, to render a Second Chamber a useful tury will be forgotten. England can no longer submit to be treated like Greece or Guatemala, for the sake of serving the purposes of a weak faction, and filling branch of the Government. Mr. RipeoN perseveres in his old the maws and pouches of their rascally retainers. A free, flourishing, and proposition to expel the Bishops from the House of Peers ; an ex- famous people, who have acquired their liberty, enjoyed their prosperity, and cellent measure certainly, but still one that is far from going to gained their glory under institutions which have lasted for a thousand years, do the root of the evil. Mr. Humes motion is to be of a more search- not want to know the pourquoi of all their laws and customs. The reign of ing character : he will call for a Committee to inquire into the charlatans is over : and the Minister, their chief, if he wishes to avoid punish- ment, had better immediately retire to his country-seat." numbers, qualifications, and privileges of the Peers, into the con-
stitution of the House of Peers, and the manner in which it fulfils There spoke the true spirit of the faction ! The duty of the the functions of a legislative body. If this Committee should be People is to pay taxes and submit to the laws. None but vulgar parvenus care how the produce of the taxes is spent, or whether obtained, its report will furnish a reply to the question " Of what use is the House of Peers?"
what use there is in paying Lord ELLENBOROUGH 7000/. or 8000/. These motions undoubtedly indicate a determination on the part a year. His Lordship is ornamental—is not that sufficient? Lord of the present House of Commons, no longer to acquiesce in the MELBOURNE wishes the Irish working clergy to be paid, and the imperious domination of the Peers ; who, as Mr. GROTE justly remarked, have managed by means of a race of sinecurists to be cut off—what a charlatan! Can any minority in the House of " punishment" be invented equal to his crime! To inquire into Commons to maintain that ascendancy which they formerly the " utility" of any thing, is highly unbecoming, not to say inde- possessed through their rotten boroughs. But the notices on the licate. It is sufficient that it has existed, and that Tories have pro- paper which we have specified, are not the only symptoms of the fited and expect to profit thereby, to justify the maintenance of spirit of resistance by which the Movement party will be actuated any custom or institution. This has always been the doctrine of next year. The principal members of that party do not conceal the Tories; and, fortunately for them, the People (so says the their determination to make redress of grievances go hand in
having in their own hands the power of turning out Lord MEL And the Peers are doing their best to hasten on the unavoid. able reform of their body. Last week, their proceedings con- verted multitudes to the belief that Me constitution of the House of Peers was unsuited to the spirit of the age and the wants of the country. The absurdity of irresponsible legislation was visible to all but the obstinately blind. This week, the Peers have persisted in the same course. Were their chief end and aim to render themselves contemptible and odious to the People, by the avowal of selfish, personal motives of action in their capacity of
legislators, they could not have succeeded better than they have done. Several of the leading Tory Peers have not been ashamed to confess that they pass or reject laws, not according to their merits or necessity--not with a view to the good of the country—but according as Mr. O'CONNELL approves of or opposes them ! And these men, with idiotic silliness, bemoan the influence of Mr. O'CONNELL ! They fume at his very name, swear that he ought to be put down; and yet all the while pay submissive homage to his power. The Marquis of LONDONDERRY opposed the Dublin Police and Irish Constabulary Bills, because, as he avowed, he thought Mr. O'CONNELL had a hand in framing them; and when he was convinced of his mistake, said he re- gretted having opposed them on that ground. Yet this irrational lord, and such as he, acting avowedly from these motives, have the power of making laws for the People of England, without being called to account for the grossest abuse of that power. Who can suppose that, in this age, a remedy will not be applied to so enormous a grievance?
We showed last week, that the remedy was to render the Peers responsible to the Nation for their conduct as legislators—to put in the hands of the electoral body the means of preventing the recur- rence of misconduct by depriving the offender of an opportunity to repeat it. We also showed, that theie was only one way, within the Constitution, of carrying this necessary change,—the creation, namely, of a sufficient number of Peers to secure an internal reform of that House, by abolishing the hereditary legislative privi- leges of its members, and converting it into a responsible elective chamber. The law has placed in the hands of the King alone the power of creating Peers. To his Majesty, therefore, applica- tion should be made for the patriotic exercise of his prerogative; and we suggested the form of an address, in which the nature of the change required, the mode of effecting it, and the reasons for it, were indicated in brief but respectful terms. Suppose we reprint this address—to keep the subject, and the easy and lawful mode of working it out to results, before the eyes of Reformers.
We, your Majesty's faithful and loyal subjects, approach the Throne of this kingdom with feelings of attachment to the
institution of Monarchy; of respect for your Majesty as the
Chief Magistrate of the realm; and of personal regard, for the disposition you have shown to promote the welfare, and act in accordance with the wishes of your People,—for commencing the improvement of our institutions, and especially for authorizing and introducing under the auspices of your Majesty's Government the important measure of Reform in the Representation of the People in Parliament, so far as it has yet been accomplished.
We have seen with sorrow and alarm, and deem it needful to represent to your Majesty, the systematic resistance offered by the House of Peers, in the exercise of its undoubted powers as a branch of the Legislature, to the accomplishment of those measures of wholesome reform, the removal of proved abuses in Church and State, which we through our Representatives have called for ; which your Majesty's Ministers have, in compliance with our demand, matured, and submitted to the consideration of Parlia- ment; and which your Majesty's faithful Commons, our Repre- sentatives; have sanctioned.
Deploring the continuance of this state of things, by which the progress of good government is impeded, our rights as citizens are withheld, and the peace of the country is menaced; and desirous to remove the evil by those lawful means which the Constitution has provided ; we earnestly pray that your Majesty will be graciously pleased to give to the House of Peers such an increase of en- lightened and virtuous members, as shall enable that legislative body to set about its own reformation ; by abolishing the hereditary privilege of making laws—a privilege which, from the nature of man, must necessarily occasion abuses and discontents, and which In point of fact a majority of the present House of Lords use for the detriment of the State and the great affliction of your Majesty's People.
And we also entreat your Majesty, subsequently, to direct your responsible Ministers to propose to Parliament such measures as may be necessary to enable the People to elect, periodically, members of the Upper Chamber of the Legislature, as they now choose their Representatives in the House of Commons. For we are convinced that by such means only can the peace, welfare, and prosperity of your Majesty's subjects at home and abroad be secured.