IN a previous column, we ,have given a sketch of a new constitu- tion for the island of Malta, drawn up by a gentleman of talent and industry, a native of Malta, now in London, zealous and ac- tive in behalf of his countrymen. We are aware that the subject, at the end of a long Parliamentary session, will not attract much attention from the public generally; but it is the duty of Lord GLENELG, and the gentlemen at the Colonial Office, to lose no time in putting an end to a state of things which is disgraceful to the British name. Unless something is done to improve the condition of the Maltese, they might as well be under the domi- nion of the Czar—that of MEHEbtET Ant would be a change for the better: the notorious shrewdness of that clever despot would insure comparatively good treatment to the inhabitants of an is- land, the possession of which would give him the command of a considerable portion of the Mediterranean. We do not apprehend the loss of Malta under any circumstances. The people of the island may be exasperated by a policy which has reduced them to beggary ; and, bating the very name of Eng- land, may eagerly expect an opportunity of changing masters. Such opportunity, however, is not likely to occur : this country is too strong in ships and cannon to fear the loss of Malta by inter- nal treason or foreign assault. But as we are strong, so ought we to be merciful—nzerciful ? II°, JUST. It is base and infamous to trample on the weak. It ought to be the glory of the British name to extend the benefits of good government to all its depen- dencies. In certain of our foreign possessions, fcee institutions may seem to be inappreciable by and incompatible with the spirit of the people. But in Malta the experiment would be perfectly safe. Nothing but the selfish interest of peculators, as much op- posed to the true interest of' this country as of the Maltese them- selves, is adverse to the establishment of cheap and good govern- ment.
Had Earl BATHURST or Lord ABERDEEN been still at the Colo- nial Office, we should have despaired of any thing being done, except by the vigorous interposition of Parliament, tbr the correc- tion of the evils arising from misgovernment in Malta; but from Lord GLENELG and Sir GEORGE GREY, both men of ability and enlightened views of politics, we do expect better things ; and be- fore Parliament reassembles after the recess, we trust that they will give candid and favourable attention to the representations of the racked and ruined Maltese.