The Earl of Winchilsea has recently been very profuse in
his dis- tribution of fawns to various individuals residing in the villages around Haverholm. Beneficent as his Lordship may appear to be, some of his lynx-eyed neighbours have discovered that the noble earl has con- ferred his presents of young deer only upon such es are qualified to vote.—Stamford Mercury.
That the ensuing Doncaster races will be of a character more at- tractive and splendid than has been witnessed for a series of years, is heard on all hands. Putting out of the question the excellence of the accommodations in the town, which cannot certainly be surpassed, to the mere spectator the scene which will be presented will be of the most attractive and gratifying description. In addition to the visit of the Dutchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria, for whom preparations in the grand stand are about to be made, it is expected, besides the at- tendance of a host of the nobility, that the Duke de Nemours, son of Louis Philip, the King of the French, will be present. To the sport- ing world the St. Leger, as well as several other races, will be in- teresting in the highest degree. For the former alone, the number of horses is unprecedentedly large; and the interest connected with the race will be established by the single consideration that the first and second for the Derby, and the first and second for the Oaks, will be placed in competition for the St. Leger. In addition, also, to the long team at Pigburn, the Queen of Trumps, Verbena, and Preserve, are daily expected in Doncaster ; as the ground, in consequence of the pre- valence of the late rains, is in excellent order. In short, in point of attraction and interest, the ensuing races will, if possible, be unpre- cedented.—Doncaster Gazette, August 29.
The Norwich Silk Company have in their possession at this present time about 1,500 mulberry-trees, from which they have produced a sample of silk ; and provided they had the means to raise a laboratory and purchase more trees, they could to a greater extent benefit them- selves and likewise the city at large, by employing a number of hands. —Norfolk Chronicle.