The following extracts from different country papers—and they are only
a sample of many—will prove the activity of both Reformers and Tories with a view to the registration. In the West Riding, and probably through the kingdom generally, the Tories have, we fear, presented a much greater number of objec- tions to the names on the Overseers' lists than the Reformers. In the
• borough of Leeds, the professional gentlemen employed by the Re- formers to attend Co the lists of voters have determined to be equal with the Tories, and they have more than succeeded. The Blues, acting on the principle above-mentioned—that is, objecting where there was even the chance of success..-have sent in the prodigious number of 1636 objections ; but the gentlemen employed by the Re- formers have for once beaten them hollow, for they have objected to nearly 2600. The numbers objected to by the Reformers are—for the township of Leeds 1923, for the out townships 675, total 2598.—Leeds Mercury.
About 1000 objections to voters claiming to be on the West Riding List have been made in the Huddersfield district ; near 700 of which have been made by the Tories, and the remainder by the Liberals.-- Leeds Mercury.
There *nave been about twenty-three notices of objections to vote served by the friends of Mr. Pusey, on persons who have claimed to i vote n Newbury parish. The Reform Registration Society have served none. The state of the registry here is very favourable to the Reform interest.—Reading Mercury. We understand that, in the Birmingham district alone, more than eight hundred notices of objection have been served by the Tories, who repeat their game of 1833; and about five hundred similar notices by their opponents, who have not, this year, suffered themselves to be caught napping, but were prepared for retaliation in case of the Tory game being renewed.—Birmingham Journal. The Western district of Glamorgan was thrown into considerable excitement on Tuesday morning, by the Tories serving notices of ob.. jections, in a most vexatious and indiscriminate manner, upon a great many respectable freeholders resident in the Hundreds of Swansea and Llangafelach. It appears, upon the admission of the prime mover and instigator, that he had signed about six hundred blank printed forms of objection, and bad forwarded them with instructions to his professional agents, who selected the objects to be annoyed, regardless whether many of them had freeholds or not.—Cambrian. Objections have been made to no less than 297 of the freemen of Worcester, on the Town Clerk's roll; of which 242 proceed from the Liberal party; and the objections on both sides in the Householder's list, are, we hear, few short of 150. In the latter, we understand, are included objections to the claims of all the Prebendaries of the Cathedral.— ll'orcester Herald.
The Overseers of Macclesfield have received notices of objections against three only of the borough voters ; but against the list of voters claiming to be entitled to vote for the county, in respect of property situate within the borough, they have received 46 notices of objection. Of these, 36 are against parties on what is termed the Liberal side of politics and 10 against Conservatives.—Macclesfield Courier.
We understand the number of objections and claims delivered for the Isle of Wight and Borough, are upwards of one thousand.—Hamp- shire Telegraph.