The Lords met at four o'clock ; and after several bills had been for- warded a stage, Lord ELLEN110R0UGH read some resolutions agreed to by a Committee appointed to confer with the Commons on thc subject of the amendments to the Municipal Bill. His Lordship stated, that the Committee had felt it their duty to add to the resolutions a report' which he also read. It set forth that the Peers were sensible of the spirit of conciliation by which the Commons were actuated ; that, in accordance with that spirit, they had refrained from insisting on several amendments which they deemed necessary to the good working of the Municipal Bill ; and that they entertained a hope, that the amendments made by both Houses would give quiet and contentment to the country. As soon as Lord ELLENBOROUGH bad finished his palaver, Lord MELBOURNE said, that he had always opposed the amendments, and could not concur with the reasons by which they were supported. He had not changed his opinion ; and he feared that the insisting on those amendments would be attended with consequences which all might regret. The report and resolutions were agreed to, and their Lord- ships adjourned. Lord JOHN RUSSELL has issued a circular to all the Liberal Members now in London, requesting them to remain in town till Monday even- ing, to consider the last amendments of the Lords.