5 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 14


OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Aug. 31.—Corps of Royal Engineers—Second Lieut. F. A. Yorke to be First Lieut. vice A. F. Campbell, resigned; &Vend Capt. L. A. Hall to be Capt. vice Reid, placed on temporary half pay ; First I.ient. G. Dalton to be Second prod. vice Hall ; Second Lieut. C. Skyring to be First Lieut. vice Dalton. Royal Begt. of Artillery—First Lieut. F. A. Griffiths to be Second Capt. vice Col- quhoun. placed on temporary half-pay ; Second Lieut. W. W. Join's to be First Lieut. vice Griffith,,

Wax-Overcr, Sept. 4.- 4th Regt. of Dragoon Guards—Lient.L. Place Co be Capt.

by purchase, vice Armit, who retires; Cornet W. A. Rase to be Lieut. by pun:base. Vied Place; 'I'. W. Vohes, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Ruse. 1st Drags.—Lieut. J. Dalton to be Capt. by purchase. vice Curteis, alio retires; Cornet R. M. Croft to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Dalton ; E. II. Lloyd, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Croft. 17th Light Drags —C. F. Davidson, Gent, to lie Cornet, by purchase. vice Thompson, whose appointment has not taken place. 8th Foot—Ensign S. Brown to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hewes. whose appoiutment has not taken place; Ensign C. Harte, from half-pay Dillon's itegt. to he Ensign, w ithout purchase. vice Browne. 9th Pout— Lieutenant Studholme Brownrigg to be Adjutant, vice Donnelly promoted. 10th Foot—Captain Gervas Power to be Major, by purehace, vice Waller, who retires ; Lieutenant Henry Outlaw to be Capt. by purcha.se, vice Power; Ensign C. Harford, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Onslow ; .1. (jar-rock. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hartford. 14th Foot—Staff Assist..Surg. J. T. 'feller, to he Assist.Surg. 39th Foot—Sergi-Major .T. Brannan. from the 23th Foot, to be Ensign, without par. chase, vice Deacon, appointed to the 61st Foot. 45th Foot—Lieut. 0.11. Clarke Co be Capt. by purchase, vice Landon, who retires; Ensign H. A. Curuberkge to be Lieut. by purehase, vice Clarke ; G. A. L. Illeukinsopp, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ciunberlege. 48th Foot—H. Bromley, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Dal- . !Tin*, promoted. 60th Foot—Lieut, C. O. Leman to ha Captain, by purchase, vice Strougitharm, who retires; Second Lieut. R. B. Levett to be First Lieut. by purchase, vice Bayly, who retires; Second Lieut. J. J. O'Neil Power to be First Lieut. by pun chase, vice Leman ; lion. J. E. II. Thurlow to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Le.. vett ; It. I. Dansey, Gent, to be Second Lieut, by purchase, vice Power. 61st. Foot — Lieut. E. hi'Donnell to be Captain, without purchase, vice Harris, deceased ; Ensign W. F. Hoey to be Lieut. vice Ni'Donnell ; Ensign C. C. Deacon, from the 39th Foot. to be E nsign, vice Hoey. 67th Foot—Lieut. F. F. L. Dayrolles, from half pay 18th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Boltou,promoted; Ensign W. Gomm to be Lieutenant by purchase, vice Dayrolles, who retire.; Ensign and Adjntant William Fisher to have the rank of Lieut; Ensign .1. Foott, from half-pay 96th Foot. to be En. sign, vice Dc.eres, deeea&ed ; C. 11. Hegira,. Gent, to be Ensign by purchase, vice Gomm 71st Foot--Lieut. Sir II. Dalrymple. Bart. from haltpay Uuattached, to be Lieut., vice. J. Lawgm, who exchanges, receiving the difference; W. Hope, Gent., to be Ensign by pure/vise, vice Strangways, who retires. 76th Foot—C. renwick. Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Warden, who retires. 80th Foot—Lieut. G. Denature to be Capt. b., purchase. vice Faleonar, who retires; Ensign W. F. Cluistie to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vim Denshire. 89,1 Foot—Lieut. C. S. Eustace to be Capt. by purchase, vice Elliott, who retires; Ensign T. W. lloruby to be Lieut, by purchase. vice Eustace; J. C. Maclachlau, Gent, to be LUSIKII, by purchase, vice llornby. 59th Foot—Lieut.- Col. R. Doherty, from the 1st West ludia Regt. to be Lieut.-CoL vice H. It. Hartley,. who retires ro.on half-pay Unattached; StaltAssist.-Surg. J. Gillice to he :tssist.. Stag. 99th Foot—Ensign II, A. Quarry to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Werge, who. retires; A. W. Reed, Gent, lobe Ensign by purchase, vice Ouvry.