Apologetic Lectures on the Saving Truths of Christianity. By Chr. Ernst Luthardt. (T. and T. CLsrk Edinburgh.)—Herr Luthardt, who is one of the Professors of Theology in the University of Leipsic, holds opinions which approach nearly to those known amongst us as evange- lical. On the doctrine of the S tcraments he will bo found to diverge from them. "Baptism," he says, "signifies purification from sin but it does not merely signify this ; it gives what it signifies." Of the Eucharist he holds the distinctive tenet of Lutheranism, but without giving the impression,—so at least it seems to us,—that he considers it of any vital importance. On election and its kindred doctrines he is silent. The book exhibits in a considerable degree the learning and general power which we have come to associate with German theology, Lusd though strictly orthodox in tone is not wanting in liberality and courage. Professor Luthardt knows better than to fix his faith on such opinions as that the science of the Bible is accurate, and that the whole of the Pentateuch was the work of Moses. The translation by Miss Sophia Taylor seems well executed.