Our Letters From India Inform Us That The Policy Of
the Indian Government in Afghanistan is to be modified. The hill tribes will be subsidized, on condition that they keep the passes free for trade, and act as a kind of Highland......
Mr. Frederick Peel Has Come Forward As A Candidate For
South- East Lancashire. He promises to vote for the disestablishment of the Irish Church, and against the existing Administration, and that is pretty much all he promises, his......
The Cabmasters Have Decided To Break The Law. They Want
more stands,—which is reasonable ; and say that the Railway Companies shall furnish them,—which is absurd. In order to enforce their demand they have organized a strike from......
Mr. Bright Has Issued His Address To His Constituents At
Birmingham. It is a short one, Mr. Bright justly believing that his opinions are too well known to need long explanation. He wishes for further redistribution in order to secure......
News Of The Week.
A N idea that Napoleon is intriguing at Brussels and the Hague is disturbing the Continental chancelleries. The notion is that he has a secret understanding of some kind with......
The Liberal Chiefs Should Devise Some System For...
number of Liberal candidates, who are now in many boroughs treading on one another, to the danger of the party. Some mode of winnowing them is wanted which shall be decently......
The Dean Of Elphin (dr. W. Warburton) Has Refused To
sup- port the Irish Church, in a letter the only fault of which is its inordinate length. Its leading points may, however, be briefly summarized. The Dean holds that a Church......
The Liberals Of Birmingham Need Not Boast Any More Of
their brains. They have been devising all manner of painfully elaborate schemes for securing the return of three Liberals, have worried workmeu with mathematics, and mapped out......