Telegrams from Madrid of the 3rd inst. report that Marshal
Zabala, who had quitted his command to confer with the Government, has provoked a "complete Ministerial crisis" ending in the appointment of S. Sagasta to the Premiership. This change, if correctly reported, is not one of mere names. S. Sagest& is a strong Conservative, with no scruples, and a pro- found belief that Spain must be governed rigorously from the centre. If he can hold power, the defeat of the Carlists will be followed either by a Dictatorship or by a Restoration, effected through a movement by the Army. The names of his col- leagues are not yet announced, but it will, we imagine, be found, when the list is published, that the Ministries of War, Marine, and the Interior are all Conservatives, that the Minister of Finance cannot raise money, and that the Minister of the Colonies is an advocate of gradual emancipation and compensation to the owners, — in other words, that emancipation is postponed sine die,