A Rudimentary Treatise On Clocks, And Watches, And Bells. By
Sir Edmund Beckett, Bart. (Lockwood and Co.)—From this interesting scientific handbook, which has reached its sixth edition, and now appears with several alterations and......
Through Normandy. By Katherine S. Macquoid. (isbister And...
is a pleasant book of travel, nicely illustrated by the author's husband, and calculated to form a useful and interesting guide-book for tourists in Normandy, both on and off......
South By West; Or, Winter In The Rocky Mow:tains And
Spring in Mexico. Edited, with a Preface, by the Rev. Charles Kingsley. (Isbister and Co.)-4,11awance being )nade for the inexperience of the writer, who does not dieeriminate......
Current Literature.
Milton's L'Allegro and 11 Penseroso. Translated into French. By John Roberts, M.A. (Harrison and Sons.)—Mr. Roberts's translation of these noble poems is painstaking, and in a......
Lord Of Himself: J Novel. By Francis A Underscood. (1349n,)—
American writere of flagon are generally so much inferior in their art to our own, that we rarely anticipate pleasure from the perusal of a Transatlantic novk The enthusiasm......
A Strange Love. By Frank Usher. (tinsley Brothers.)—this...
the worst novel of the season,—it is certainly the worst which has come under our notice ; and it is one of those books in which it is difficult to believe that even the writer......