We have endeavoured elsewhere to give an idea of the
military position of the Carlists, which may be briefly described as im- proving, but improving mainly from the inaction and half-hearted- ness of the Republican authorities. The War Department at Madrid seems inefficient, the Ministers are all intriguing for power, and there are causes of weakness obvious within the army itself. One of these we believe to be positive want of men, the number of efficient soldiers on the Ebro being greatly reduced by fatigue; fever, and want of spirits. Another is the choice of Generals for political reasons only ; and a third is the want of unity of opinion between the professional officers and their men. The former are, as a body, Alphonaist, and though they are true to their colours, cannot bring themselves to display the kind of energy which makes a Republican army, really formidable. They will fight, but they will not work, and to bring their raw levies into fighting trim in face of an adventiutous enemy, it is necessary that they should work, and work with a will, eight hours a day. All this while, the commissariat is in such a muddle that any troops but the Spanish would consider themselves starved. The nation wants a stronger man at the top, who can bring him- self to work energetically at details.