[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—The thirtieth birthday of the invention of " wireless,", which I see the British radio industry are celebrating at the Royal Albert Hall in the middle of September, seems to me to be a good time for finding out how far the youngest science of, them all has developed in the different parts of Great Britain.
Surrey, I should imagine, easily leads the other counties, as' far, anyhow, as amateurs are concerned, for actual length of, transmission. Last week Mr. Gerald Marcuse, of Caterham Hill, using a gramophone with a pleated diaphragm adjust-I went, entertained an American warship lying in New Zealand; waters with songs by Caruso, violin selections by Heifetz, jazz' music by Jack Hylton's orchestra and the Savoy Orpheans, and other gramophone records.
Is there any county in the British Isles that can touch this I Surrey may have missed the cricket championship ; at wired less she will take some beating.—I am, Sir, &c.,