New Projects Of Tj-ie Cinema
A N offer has recently been made by Mr. Kane, said to be an American producer, to give £1,000 towards founding a Chair of Cinematography in one of the large American......
The Cult. Of The Pigeon
L ONDON is the home of innumerable birds, and is becoming a centre for the cult of birds. Very many of the churches—St. Pancras, for example, as well as St. Paul's—have such a......
Changes Op Address.,
Postal Subscribers changing their address, or who while travelling desire their copies of the paper to be sent to a temporary address, are asked to notify the SPECTATOR Office......
The Spectator.
Before going on their holidays readers are advised to place an order for the Spncrwron. The journal will be forwarded to any address at the following rates :- One Month .. • • •......