The Shanghai correspondent of the Manithesier Guardian says that the
British Chamber of Commerce and the China Association, at a full meeting on Monday, passed a resolution in favour of giving prompt effect to the decisions of the Washington Conference and in favour of Chinese representation on the Municipal Council. The resolution has been published throughout China and is an important indication of the desire of the British community that Chinese national aspirations should be very sympathetically treated. We sincerely hope that this action will do something to dispel the mistaken, Chinese belief that Englishmen desire to keep China in a position of international inferiority. Meanwhile we hear of no progress being made with the Judicial Inquiry into the Shanghai riots. We earnestly urge the Government to prove to China by their acts that they are not merely ready but anxious to satisfy every Chinese demand that is reasonable. We are convinced that many misunderstandings could be quickly removed. Great Britain is not in any sense the enemy of China, and it is preposterous that misinterpretations 'should be allowed to hold the field a moment longer than they need. We still wish that some public man of eminence, like Sir John Jordan, who is known and trusted by the Chinese, could be sent quickly to China to express British sympathy with the good aspects of the national movement.
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