The business transacted in the English Funds dining the week has been more extensive than usual. The great improvement which has recently taken place in the Funds at Vienna, produced a corresponding effect here. Consols for Ac- count rose on Wednesday to 88i ; to-day, on its being understood that a rein- forcement of our fleet in the Mediterranean is considered necessary, in conse- quence of the pertinacious interference of Russia with the affairs of the Porte, the Market declined, and Consols were as low as 87i ; but the favourable report of the Quarter's Revenue, which transpired this afternoon, has produced a re- action upwards, and the closing price is 87I 88. Exchequer Bills have been as high as 52s., and close to-day at 45s. to 47s. prem. Money is much more abundant than last week, and will doubtless be us plentiful as ever when the dividends, which will be in course of payment on Tuesday next, shall have been issued to the public. India Stock has been as low as 217, but has since been at 223, and is to-day 222 to 23.3. Bank Stock has fallen considerably ' • the open- ing price of this morning was 201, but in the course of the day it had declined to 192; at which price, and 193, several large investments were made, and the closing price is 193 185. We are not enabled to state with certainty the cause of this great depreciation, but it is ascribed to the determination of Govern- ment, at the expiration of the present agreement with the Bank, to reduce ma- terially the sum now paid to that corporation for the management of the public Debt, thereby cutting off a prolific source of dividend. The sum now paid by the country is about 220;000/. per annum ; and, according to some'accounts, the Government propose to reduce the amount to about 100,0091. ; according to others, to discontinue the payment altogether, requiring the Bank to undertake the gratuitous management of the public Debt in consideration of the extensive privileges they enjoy. To all but the interested such an arrangement would doubtless give satisfaction ; and when the extensive gains arising from the mo- nopoly are considered, it cannot be fairly objected to even by the Bank Pro- prietary. The Foreign Funds have been rising during the last few days. Dutch Bonds, which had been at 451, were yesterday at 4q' have to-day been at 46a, and close at 461 ' Belgian Bonds have improved to 884. Russian Bonds are quoted at 103i Danish Stock is ex. div. Brazilian Bonds, which have been as high as 64 ex. div., are to-day 61* 4. Greek, Mexican, and Columbian Bonds, are nearly at last week's prices ; the transactions in them have been insignificant. Spanish Stock was on Monday its low as 19A ; it afterwards rallied to 19i, was this morning. at 1V, in the course of the day reached 184, and dosed at 18i it. The price in Paris has also declined: on Saturday last it was -15i, whereas the quotation received to-day of the price on Tuesday, was 1q14. The recent change of Ministry. in Spain, will, it is feared, by checking the progress of constitutional freedom in that country, materially diminish the chances in favour of the "holders of Cortes Bonds. Portuguese Stock and Regency Scrip, which were rather in demand in the early part of the week, are to-day lower ; the intelligence from Oporto, although of a late date, not being considered as very favourable to the cause of Don PEDRO. SATURDAY. ONE o'Ceocw.
Scarcely any thing worthy of notice has occurred to -day. Consols are 88i for Account ; and every thing else nominally at the prices of Thursday. Spanish Stock maintains its prices; the price in Paris on Wednesday was 14. A Lisbon mail has arrived, but it briugsnothing of importance, except information of the arrival of the infant Don CARLOS.
The only variation that has occurred since the morning, is in Spanish Stock., the price of which has improved, and is now.181 4. All other descriptions of
Stock are at the morning's quotations. . . .
3 per Ct. Consols . 8 Belgian 5 per Ct. 88* 9iblexican6 per Cts. 36 Ditto for Account 88 + 'Brazilian 5 per Cis.. 61* 2:Portuguese 6 p. Cis. 50 51
New 3* per Ct. Ann 95+ +, Danish 3 per Cents. 72+ 3 Do.Ragency Sc. 5 p. C. 6 5
Bank block 196 'Dutch 2* per Cents. 46+1'Prossiau(L8 '8)5 p. C. India Stock for Acct 221 21French 3 per Cents. — I Buss.(1813)5p.C. 1021 3 Exchequer Bills 55 56,Greek (18205 p.Cts. 36 38,Spanish(1821)5p. C. 18* l*