6 APRIL 1833, page 10

The Currency.

TO THE EDITOR Or THE SPECTATOR,. SIR - I am much surprised and concerned at the very objectionable spirit shown in canvassing the opinions of those who are favourable to a......

The Revenue. • Abstract Of The Net. Produce Of Thallevenue

of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th April 1832 and 5th April 3833; showing the Increase or Decrease on each he V. INCOME. Customs Excise Stamps Taxes......

The Army.

WAR-OFFICE, April 2.-Memorandum-The half-pay of the undermentioned Officers. has been cancelled from the 1st instant, inclusive, they having accepted a commuted allowance for......


Mr. Wickham, the Private Secretary of Lord Althorp, has been no- minated one of the Commissioners of Inquiry into the present mode of collecting the revenue derived from Excise.......