Lord Downes was elected 'a representative Peer of Leland, in the room of the late Marquis of Conynghain, en the 29th March. His opponent was Viscount Lismore. The numbers were—for Lord Downes, 76; for Viscount Lismore, 31 : majority, 45. The Orange- Torssparty appear to have been the supporters of Lord Downes.
At the Quarter-sessions, held at Rathkeaie' county of Limerick, on Monday last, many persons appeared to defend actions brought against them by the Government, to recover arrears of tithe due to the Re- verend Mr. Herbert, Vicar.of !Moe, in the comity of.Limerick. Mr. Herbert had returned the names of the defaulters to the Government, and received two thirdi of the arrears out of the Consolidated Fund. When the trials came on, the defendants, to the astonishment of the Crown Solicitors, produced receipts for the arrears which they were pro- ceeded against fur not having paid, signed by " J. Mulquaine, Receiver for the Vicar," dated 19th December 1832. All -further proceedings of course were abandoned;' but the defendants, some of whom bed travelled between thirty and forty miles .to. attend the trial, were re- fused their expenses. Their cases are, however, to be laid before the Attorney-General. Mr. Herbert, it is suspected, is only one of many country parsons who will turn out to be Government defaulters when their accounts ate wound up. Will the Coercion Bill. reach this ras- cality? We believe not.