Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th April 1849 and 1850, showing die Increase or Decrease thereof.
TEARS ENDED 5th APRIL 1849. 1850. Increase. Decrease.
£ £ £ £ Customs 19,129,829 18,635,263
594,566 Excise 12,660,114 12,792,713 142,699
Stamps 6,041,361 6,354,429 313,078
Taxes 4,318,903 4,332,779 14,076
Property Tax 6,317,244 5,460,248 149,004
Post-ollice 7E19,009 803,000 14,000
Crown Lands 100,000 160,000 60,000
Miscellaneous 143,651 198,410 54,739
Total Ordinary Revenue 48,490,092 48,613,042
594,568 China Money 84,284
61,284 Imprest and other Monies 665,293 656,855
Repayments Of Advances 427,761 553,349 125,688
Total Income 49,867,430 -49,853,246 878,101 .887,288 Deduct Decrease 887,288
Increase on the Year
QUARTERS ENDED 11th APRIL 1849. 1850. Increase. Decrease.
£ £ Customs 4,593,119 4,432,584
180,535 Excise 1,820,575 1,869,473 38,898
Stamps 1,649,171 1,538,125
Taxes . 148,101 177,231 29,130
Property Tax 2,011,519 2,089,608 58,089
Post-office 234,000 231,000
3,000 Crown Lands 40,000 40,000
Miscellaneous 98,792 47,960
Total Ordinary Revenue
10,495,277 10,395,981 126,117 225,413 China Money
Imprest and other Monies 204,361
Repayments of Advances 87,618
Total Income 10,787,286 10,789,140 227,287 215,413 Deduct Decrease 226,413
Increase on the Quarter
Income and Charge of the Consolidated Fund, in the Quarters ended 5th April 1849 and 1850.
Customs Excise ttamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Imprest and other Monies
Produce of the Sale of old Stores, Sic .Itepayments of Advances
Permanent Debt Terminable Annuities
Interest on Exchequer Ellis issued to meet the Charge on the Con
solidated Fund Sinking Fund Civil List Other Charges on tthe Consolidated-Fund For Advances Total Charge Surplus
The Surplus Revenue at 6th January 1850, after providing 1 the Charges of that Quarter, was To which is to be added the Surplus of the Consolidated Fund RE above stated, in the present Quarter The amount issued in the Quarter ended 6th April 1850, fo
Supply Services Ilse probable Exchequer Rills required to meet the . 'haw :on.ihs Consolidated Fund, Heavier ended 6th April 3560
Qourram ENDED 5th
APRIL 1849. 1850.
£ 4,693,119 1,833,879 1,549,171 148,101 2,011,519 234,000 40,000 98,792 28,018 176,343 87,648 1,432,681 1,867,218 1,538,125 177,231 2,069,608 231,000 40,000 47,960 109,000 192,759 91,400 10,800,310 10,796,885 Quearicas ENDED 5th Aram 1849. 1850.
45,580,414 £5,560,241 1,277,136 1,269,625
- - 824,531
98,767 98,881 340,957 330,826 186,554 296,137 7,464528 8,080,241 3,337,883 2,716,844 10,800,390 10796,885 1,682,808 2,716,644 4,399,452 4,625,795