Ti)t Vrnuiltrre.
Lord John Russell has been spending part of his Easter leisure at un- leisurely Manchester. During his sojourn in Scotland last year, he accepted an invitation from Sir Benjamin......
The United States Are The Scene Of Notable Inconsistencies :
the freest country in the world hesitates to admit California to its Union because that State as desired to repudiate slavery ; andthe legislators of said freest country are......
It4t Ttrufatio.
Easter Monday was a real holyday to the thousands of toilers in Lon- don. The day was beautiful; and the crowds who filled the Parks, and sallied as far as Greenwich and Hampton......
T4t Curt.
THE formal register of Court movements is scarcely diversified by a sin- gle incident of variety. One loyally reads that her Majesty daily walks or drives out, and one is......
"ithe Colonies Have Not Ceased To Give Forth Signs Of
trouble. 'The Cape, indeed, is resting on its arms, and will probably be con- tented by the official concessions in London. But at the two op- pate extremities the Ministerial......