advances, a question arises, not only of healthy wet-muses to suckle the royal infant, but also of .a safe Prime Minister. Narvaez is held to be not a safe Minister for a Queen in, a delicate condition, he is so rude, rough, and exasper- ating. This is a new view of Ministerial q;ialifications, but one
that is rather cogent, and not altogether without its moral for us in England.
Narvaez has successfully resisted combinations of Court Con- servatives, Progresistas, Queen Dowager, and King Consort; but -he falls before puerperal exigencies. The Court Doctor prescribes a change not of air b .t of Ministers. Regina genetrix must have a Minister that is salubrious—conducive to repose, contentment, and nervous quiescence ; a Minister that shall be, as it were, a bottle of can de Cologne to his royal mistress. We in England may apply the lesson, and learn to be content with a Prime Minister admirably suited to the chamber of mater- nity ; a soothing Minister, not likely to cause -fever by too much stir; one suited to have the entrée with Dr. Locook, to propound his whole policy in a brief and whispered hint, and harmonize with monthly nurse, candle, and pap. It is a momentous consideration, and one that cannot fail to weigh with her Majesty's Opposition. What -England needs just now, is not a man who shall stir the nation with its energies—who might draw round the regal abode rude shouts of obtrusive gratitude for national glories reawakened and extended; but who can spread over the land the hush of the sick chamber, put off activity till a patient so valued is " a little
i stronger," and in lieu of new reforms or vigorous policy, concen- trate all his faculties in setting the pins of the laced pm-cushion to form the patriotic inscription, " Welcome, little Stranger !" It is quite possible that Queen Victoria may be so imprudent as not to regard these niceties so much as her Catholic Majesty; but Mrs. Gamp and her Britannic Majesty's Opposition will settle the matter between them for the best; and the nation will gladly fall into the soothing device. There must at least be no change of Ministers " during the month."