6 APRIL 1850, Page 20


£38,813,243 . £38,313,2* ' Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks,Commisidoitersofkintional Debt, &DividendAects.

BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard £3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes £88 10 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold inCoin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars .... 5 10 0 .. 5 15 0 New Dollars 0 4 10 Lead, British Pig 18 5 0 .. 0 0 0 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 III Steel, Swedish Keg... 14 10 0 .. 15 0 0 GRAIN, Mark. Lane, April 5. s. s Wheat,11.New 35 to 87 Rye 21 to 22 Maple 23 to 27 Oats, Feed.. 14 to tit Fine 38 -40 Barley 16 -18 White .. : . 22 -24 Fine .: 15-16 Old 27-39 Malting ... 22-23 Boilers. . 24-25 Poland ... 18-17

White 40-41 Malt, Ord. .. 45-48 Beans, Tick's. 21 - ffi Fine .. 17-18

Fine 42-44 Fine 48-51 Old 25 -ffi Potato .... 17-18

Super. New. 45-48 Peas, Hog.;. 22-23 Indian Copt 26-28 Fine - 18-10

AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. ''WEEKLY iVERAGE. ' Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the Week ending March 30.

Wheat ... 38i. ld.( Peas Rye

Barley .... 23 7 Beans 228. 34. Wheat 376. 94. Rye 24 3 Barley . . 23 6 Beans 23 10 25 6 Oats 15 2 Peas 211.74, 25 3 Oats 13 2 • BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

&dyed. Monday. Tuesday. Wednes. Thurs.

3 per Cent Consols 96} 961 96 951 961


Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities

961 shut shut shut



96 961


Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent shut shut —

Exchequer Bills, 11d. per diem 67 pm. 67 67 67 88 89.

India Bonds, 41 per Cent 90pm.



(Last Official Quotation Austrian 5 p. Ct. FOREIGN during the — FUNDS.

Week ending Friday Evening.) Massachusetts (6terling)...5 p. Ct. 105 ex d..

Belgian 41 -

891 .

al " 6 281 Ditto 21 - - Brazilian 861 ex d. Michigan • , 6 Mississippi (Sterling) 8


Buenos Ayres 6 - 541 New York (1838) 5

Milian 6 - '961 Ohio 6 105 Danish 3 - 70ox'd. Pennsylvania 5

'• -82 1


Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) -21 - 551 Peruvian 4 1171 ex Ditto 4 - 851 ex d. Portuguese 5

French 3 - —' Ditto. 3

Ditto 6 - 90 f._ Russian 5 107 Indiana (Sterling) 6 - Illinois ---, 42 Spanish 5 D tto 3 171 Kentucky - — Ditto (Passive) 31 Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland (Sterling) 5 - 89 itsi , Ditto (Deferred) , Venezuela Active


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)

Rair..wsrs- Rases-

Caledonlan 81


Edinburgh and Glasgow 26 - British North American 4111 Eastern Counties 7; • Colonial

Great Northern 1 Coquirercialoff Landon.. .......

Great North of England 21B Landon arid Westminster 28.

Great South. and West. Ireland_ it

plis :. London 3t Stocional Nat or1M-tend


Great Western 521

Hull and Selby 97

Nation-el POTiailal

37 Lancashire and Yorkshire 321 Provincial of Ireland 42} Lancaster and Carlisle 511 Union of Australia

London Brighton and Soiath Coast 91 Ulan of Lohdon ' 12 London and Blackwell


London and North-western 1041 llolanos

Midland 361 Brazilian Ymperial

North British 81 ex d. Ditto (St. John del Rey)

South-eastern and Dover 131 Cobrc Copper

South-western 61


York, Newcastle, and Berwick

Australian Agricultural 15 York and North Midland


Canada 26


General Steam 271 East and West India 141 Peninsular and Oriental Steam.. 794 London 119 Royal Mail Steam

St. Katherine ,80/ South Australian 19

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th "Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending On Saturday, the 30th day, of March 1850. twos DEEADTLIENT• £30,301,265 Government Debt Other Securities - ' £11,015,100-

Gold Coin and'Ilullion 16,057,388 Silver BultiOn 243,677 £30,301,265 £30,301,265

iii.xx.nto D EARTMENT. .

Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities, (in- Rest 8,603,230 cludingDeadWeightliiinuityl £14,418,854

Public Deposits. 9,671,047 Other Securities, 12,267,353

Other Deposita 9,526,633 Notes 10,849,365 Seven Day and other Bills 1,060,332 Gold and Silver Coin • 777,670 Notes issued HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Tresses.)

CUMETELLED.. Sicrrarrna).


68s. to 74s. 485. to 70s. 60s. to 72s.

50 63 0 - 0 40 - 54 0- 0 0 - 0 0- 0

15 -84 80 -90 65 -84-

25 -30" 21 -28 21 -96 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover 'Wheat Straw HOPS.

Kent Pockets 135s. to 168s.

Choice ditto 147 - 232 Sussex ditto 120 - 130 Farnham ditto 170 250 POTATOES.

York Regents per ton 80s. to 1104. Wisbech Regents 85 - 95 Scotch Reds 66 - 70 French Whites 70 - 75 BUTCHERS' MEAT.

Nswasmz AND Lzinztrasti..• SEITETIELD.• HELD DT CATTLE AT ' a. d. a. d, s. d. s. d. a. d. a. d. Smiranzt.n.

Beef .. 2 6 to 3 0 to 3 2 2 4 to 3 2 to 3 8 Friday. Monday.

Mutton 2 6 - 3 0 - 3 4 3 6 - 4 0 - 4 4 Beasts 811 3,515 Veal .. 2 4 - 3 0 - 4 0 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 4 Sheep.. 5,130 19,960 Pork .. 2 9 - 3 4 - 4 0 3 6 3 10 - 4 2 Calves. 203 95 Lamb.. 5 0 - 5 8 - 6 0 5 6 - 6 0 - 6 4 Pigs . 135 190 ' To sink the offal, per 8 lb. FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 38s. to-41t-

Seconds 35 - 36 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 31 - 33 Norfolk and Stockton 29 31 American per barrel 22 24 Canadian 21 - 23 Bread, 6d. to 7d. the 41b. loaf. , PROVISIONS.

Butter-Best Fresh, Ii,. Cod. per doz. Carlow, 31. 10s. to 31. 16s. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 45s. to 47s. Cheese, Cheshire 46 - 70

Derby Plain 46 - 54 Hams, York 80 - 70 Eggs, French, per 120, 4s. 6d. to 68.0d.

OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt. £1 19 0

Refined 2-0 0

Linseed Oil 1 12 6 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 9 0 0

Candles, per dozen, 4s. Bd. to 5s. Bd. Moulds (64. per doz. discount) 7s. 04.

Coals, Ileum 0 0 Tees 0 0 GROCERIES.

Tea, Babes, tine... perlb.• Os. ld. to Os. Sq.

Congon, fine 1 4 - 1 9 Soechong, tine 1 3 - 2 6

• In Bond-Duty 2.5. ld. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 70s. to 105s.

Good Ordinary 46 - 50 Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 24s. leta.

West India Molasses 14s. Sd. to 188.04.