6 APRIL 1850, Page 4


A preliminary public meeting of the citizens of Dublin has expressed its hearty concurrence with Prince Albert's Show of Industry, and called on the Mayor to summon a general meeting for the more impressive and effective launching of the subscription movement. Lord Clarendon was announced as en intended subscriber of 1001.

The Lords of the Treasury have issued a circular addressed to the in- debted Irish Unions, directing that the presentments under the Labour- rate and Relief Advances Acta, which were made at " the last Assizes," sh, of be levied ; the order does "not extend to presentments made by e- , uriea in 1849."

'yes the following evidence of improvement in the

• A,. • iroughout its union-

, the poor-house of the numbers of poor receiving re-

I ce to those of last year, present a most remarkable 4 _ g • our union. On the 17th of March 1849, there were

127 pers receiving in-door relief, while 6,129 were upon me period; but on the 17th of March 1850, we h.ad ouse, with no out-door list whatever."

A party of Police, patrolling in the townland of Ballyvarney, discovered a rendezvous of Ribandmen, preparing a manifestation for St. Patrick's- day with drums and music. The drummer and three others were arrest- ed, and taken before a Special Sessions at Banbridge ; where the drum- mer was sentenced to a penalty of 51., or a month's imprisonment.

The village of Crinkle, near Parsonstown, has been devastated by fire, which destroyed twenty-two cottages.