The Ministerial papershave beenengagedduring the week in preparing the public mind for an untoward aspectorthe Customs on the publication of the annual. and quarterly Revenue-accounts : this morning, however, on the appearance of the tables, the real state of the case does not seem to be worse than might have beery expected from the reduction: of duties, the altered state of the corn-imports, and such causes. As an index of the national condition in point of wealth, the tables are not'unsatisfactory. If there is a decrease of '59'4,0001'.. on- the Customs, in the year, the other ithms: of eranary revenue present an aggregate increase of 747,0004 ; and the nett increase on the whole revenue of the year is 185,0004 in spite of the diminished. Customs. On the quarter,. a decrease in Customs still leaves a slight nett increase: In both tables the Income-tax has in- creased.-149,0001: on-the year, and 581. on the quarter.