The news by the West Indian mail, which arrived at
Southampton yesterday, has mostly been anticipated by the American route: The Guiana Court. of Policy was to meet on the 9th March, to pass the esti. mates for 1850. The revenue is said to be in " a very satisfactory " con- dition, and it would in all probability " soon considerably exceed the ordinary expenditure." In Jamaica, a Protectionist meeting had fallen through, from apathy " ; agricultural enterprise was• quickening; an there is much in the papers of successful cotton and rice cultivation..
We have Cape Town papers to the 2d February. A commercial letter from Mauritius, announcing, as news from England to the 24th October, that the Neptune had been ordered. to Norfolk Island; is published With a datibt that it is only the " inference of sanguine Mends in England" especially as a casual copy of the Times of the 22d, November, landed from the weather-stressed Hindostan, did not, in a semi-official article,. say " in positive terms that Earl Grey has officially changed the desti, nation of the convicts on board the Neptune." So the distrust was un-' abated, and the resistance as stanch as ever.