The English Funds were firm on Monday, and the tendency of the market upwards. The intelligence since received of the fall of the French Funds and the continued depression of the money-market in Paris, has given cou- rage to the speculators for the fall : some rather extensive speculative sales consequently occurred, and the price of Consols declined about I per cent. The East India Company have since purchased largely for money. That operation restored the tone of the market ; and the announcement this morning, that upwards of 500,0001. will be available for the purposes of the Sinking-fund in the three months ending 6th July next, gave it a further impetus. Consols have been today at 961 (for a short time buyers) ; being an advance of f per cent from the lowest price of the week. Prices gave way slightly in the course of the day, and at the close Consols were 96k both for Money and Account. Money is very abundant, and the rate of dis- count for first-class commercial bills is still from 2 to 21 per cent.
The books of the Three per Cents, Reduced Three-and-a-quarter per Cents, Long Annuities, Bank Stock, and India Stock, will open for private transfer the
The speculation which has so long existed in Mexican, Peruvian, and some of the other South American Stocks, appear!, to have broken up. The trans- actions have been quite insignificant, and prices have declined materially. A trifling reaction has occurred in Mexican Stock ; but Peruvian continues without any animation. It may be as well to mention that a dividend for the half-year just ended is now in course of payment upon Peruvian Stock. Buenos Ayres Bonds form an exception to the general rule of South Ameri- can Securities, and are at an advance of from 2 to 3 per cent. Spanish Stock of both varieties is considerably firmer, and the advanced quotations are supported. Portuguese Bonds are without any transactions of importance. The Northern European Stocks are firm within a little of our last prices ; traceable to extensive sales made on account of some of the Northern Joint fallen in a aimilar proportion • end South-eastern between 11. and 24 All these, however, are firmer today. The cause of the depression is said to be Western, between 3/. and 4/. lower ; Lancashire and Yorkshire have also per Cent Scrip, 24 to 3 premium and the Bonds 94 to 95.
which so long supported their recent quotations, have gone down about 21.; and Midland have been between 2/. and 31. below our last prices ; Great Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent Scrip is about 11 premium. Danish Five. the recent rise in the English Funds having but slightly affected them.
The Railway Share Market has been unusually heavy. North4estern, Stock Banks. The Shares in question were, it is understood, held as securi- ties for pecuniary advances ; and the sales have been rendered necessary by the bankruptcy of the borrower. This unfortunate gentleman is reported to have at one time been worth 400,0001., which has been all absorbed by Rail- way losses. In the case of the North-western, another cause of depression is remarkable : the tolls for the week ending last Saturday show a falling off of 1,0001. as compared with the corresponding week of last year. The market has been comparatively steady today. SATTMDAY TWELVE O'CLOCK- The accounts of the state of the Revenue have disappointed expectation,. and the Stock Market is consequently lower. The opening prices were gene- rally k per cent below those of yesterday ; at which the market has since- continued steady, and with but little doing. There is no change or business of importance occurring in the Foreign Market. The Railway Shares are rather firmer. The following are the principal bargains as yet recorded— Caledonian, 81 k; Ditto Preference, 511; Chester and Holyhead, 7/ ; Great Northern, 7k ; Great North of Erigland, 219 ; Great Western, 53 ; Ditto- Quarter-shares, 131; Ditto 171. Shares, 61; Brighton, 791; North-western New Quarter-shares, 14 11; Midland, 361; Ditto 50/., 3; Norfolk Exten- sion, 17; North British, 8; North Staffordshire, 61. SATURDAY Two o'CLocar.
The English Funds close at the morning's quotations, without the occur- rence of any business of importance. The rumour of a peace between Prus- sia and Denmark, though contradicted by several of the German newspapers, has given a slight degree of firmness to the Scrip of the new Danish loan, which has risen to 31 premium. The reported renewal of diplomatic inter- course between the British and Spanish Governments has also given a trifling lift to Spanish Stock, the Active Benda having been done at 171. The following are the principal transactions recorded in the Foreiii Market —Brazilian, 86; Buenos A es, 54 ; Danish Five r Cent Scrip, 4 3 al
yr pe
premium; Mexican, 281 1 1 ; Peruvian, 67 671; Ditto Deferr, 261 1; Portuguese Four per Cents, 32.1 ; Russian Four-and-a-half per Cent Bonds, 941 1; Ditto Scrip 11 1 premium • Spanish Active; 171 k 1 1 • Ditto Three- per Cents, an; Venezuela, 29 31 32; Dutch Two-andi-aehrdf per- Cen 551 k ; Ditto Four per Cents, 85. Shares—Mining Companies—Impe - Brazilian, 7 61 f ; Ditto Cocaes, 4 ; Santiago de Cuba, 7I 7. Joint Stock-- Banks—London and Westminster, 26 ; National Provincial of England, 361 ;- Union of Australia, 301. Roy-al trail Steam Packet Company, y, 51. There is no very material change in the Railway Share Market. Most of the Shares of the more important lines being nearly at yesterday'squotations ; Ches- ter and Holyhead are, however, lower, the fall upon the day's business being about 12s. 6d. per share. The following are the principal bargains occurring —Caledonian, 81 k f ; Ditto Preference, 51 I ; Chester and Holyhead, 71 T; Eastern Counties, 71 ; Great Northern, 717 ; Great North of England, 219; Great Western, 53 ; -Ditto Quarter-shares, 131; Ditto Fifths, 101; Ditto New, 17/., 61 1 1; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 791; London and Green- wich, 101; London and North-western, 1031 ; Ditto New Quarter-shares, loi 11 ; Ditto Fifths, 111; Midland, 361 6 ; Ditto 501. Shares, 4 1 ;
North British, 8; North Staffordshire, / ; South-eastern and Dover, 14
tI ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 121 1; York and North Midland, 151; Ditto Preference, 61 1; Boulogne and Amiens, 61; Orleans and Bordeaux, 21.
3 per Cent Consols 96 Danish 3 per Cents , . 67 9 Ditto for Account 96 Dutch 2/ per Cents 551 6. 3 per Cent Reduced 95 I Ditto 4 per Cents 8.5 1 31 per Cents 97 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 281 1 Long Annuities 8 Peruvian 6 per Cents 67 8 Bank Stock 20 7 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 32 4 Exchequer Bills 67 70 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 84 6 India Stock 265 70 Russian 5 per Cents 106 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 86 8 ex d. Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 171 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 88 90 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37 Chili= 6 per Cents 97 9 ex d. Venezuela 29 31 Danish 5 per Cents 93 5