Count Bismarck has evidently something of that frank, popular manner
which a strong Minister so often combines with the greatest impatience of popular control. When reproached in the Chamber yesterday week with the passionate language he had used in the recent debate, he defended himself by a manly confes- sion. "You should consider that one who has for five years been engaged in political contests, in which he has lost his health to attain what has been attained, is easily excited. You do not know in what manner your opposition may affect my political
action You do not know how difficult it is at present to treat with foreign Governments when one is not certain of the support of Parliament,"—no doubt a reference to the Luxemburg negotiations. The Count happily described his own, feelings on a parliamentary defeat, by an English quotation from Shakes- peare :— " But I remember when the fight was done, When I was dry with rage and extreme toil," &c. It is this proud candour, as well as his practical achievements, which gives this dictatorial statesman much of his influence with the German Parliament.