A Chronological Synopsis Of The Four Gospels. By H....
(John Russell Smith.)—This will be useful as a book of reference. Mr. Grenville gives in - line an event in the New Testament, going chronologically through the whole course of......
The Wholesome Words Of Jesus Christ. Four Sermons...
the University of Cambridge. By C. J. Vaughan, D.D. (Mac- millan.)—We heard the other day of a bishop who refined to ordain a young man on the ground that he had been reading......
The Song Of Rest, And Minor Poems, By Alexander Winton
Buchan (Whittaker) ; Percy Villiers, and Other Poems, by John Newlands, formerly a volunteer under General Garibaldi (A. W. Bennett) ; Meg Soupirs—Italian Dreams—Mirrors and......
Pope's Essay On Criticism, With Notes. By Samuel Neil....
and Wright.)—Mr. Neil's notes are copious and well selected. He writes for the use of students and for the University of London B.A. examination. Bachelors of Arts might indeed......
A Traveller's Notes In Scotland, Belgium, Devonshire, The...
the Mediterranean, France, Somersetshire, Cornwall, the Scilly Islands, Wilts, and Dorsetshire, in 1866. (A. M. Pigott.) — None of the places here described are very strange to......
A Christian View Of Christian History From Apostolic To...
Times. By John Henry Blunt. (Rivingtons.)—This is a convenient and readable sketch of the history of the Church from the birth of Christianity to the Middle Ages. By calling it......
Discourses On The Lord's Prayer, By Caleb Webb (houlaton And
Wright); Sermons Doctrinal and Didactic, by Thomas Williamson Pelle, D.D. (Rivingtons); The Religion of Redemption, by R. W. Monsell, B.A. (W. Hunt and Co.)—Three of those books......
The After - Glow Songs And Sonnets For My Friends....
and Co.)—We feel no doubt that to the writer's friends these songs and sonnets will be a very welcome volume. They seem to be a happy self-revelation of the author, and......
Bible Photographs: A Contrast Between The Righteous And...
as Described in the Word of God By a Bible Student. (Pitman.)—In this odd little book the righteous have a page of texts to themselves, while the wicked are accommodated with......
Transactions Of The Ethnological Society Of London. Vol...
—This volume has its own peculiar public, and does not need much notice at our hands. If it did, we should say that we found the first paper, "On the Stature of the Lapps, byJ.......
Ebury. He Would Not Hear Of The Present Service Being
shortened. But he would like to have a daily form of more brevity. He would have busy people coming for part of the service on week days, and the churches always open for......
On The Origin Of Language. By Hensleigh Wedgwood....
Wedgwood agrees with Mr. Farrar, rather than with Professor Max Muller, as to the importance of imitative sounds in the creation of a language. We do not know that he adds much......
The British People. By One Of Themselves. (hall And...
taining, though absurd, and paradoxical under a show of reason. We will not enter into the author's argument about the Germans and the Normans, or do more than allude to his......
Benedicite ; Or, The Song Of The Three Children. By
G. Chaplin Child, M.D. Two vols. (Murray.)—At first sight this seems rather a strange idea, and if it was worked out in the manner natural to so many preachers, it would be......
Christianity Among The New Zealanders. By The Right Rev....
Williams, D.C.L., Bishop of Waiapu. (Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday.) —The Bishop of Waiapn begins with a half apology for publishing a history of the growth and spread of......
Lancashire Folk - Lore. By John Harland And T. T....
Warne and Co.)—" We always get out of bed either on the right side or with the right foot first ; we take care not to cross two knives on the table ; mothers never allow a child......
To Consist Of Letters From An Assyrian Ambassador To His
master Bolus, recounting the various incidents taking place at the Court of King Saul r to whom the ambassador is accredited. We write with all seriousness, as will be seen by......