SIR,—I have no wish to endeavour to enter into theological controversy in your columns, but I hope that in the interests of truth you will permit me to point out that the writer of the review of Dr. Pusey's Life, in the Spectator of March 30th, ought to have supplemented his remark that the Papal Legate at the Council at Arles (A.D. 353) condemned St. Athanasius, by adding that Pope Liberina repudiated the action of his Legate, and two years afterwards was driven into exile for his adherence to the Nicene Faith. It would also have been well had your reviewer mentioned the well- known fact that it is a matter of complete uncertainty what the character of the Creed was which Liberius is said to have signed. In any case, both he and the Catholic Bishops acted under the influence of intense fear, and their acts not being those of free men, bear no analogy to the conduct of the "Heads of Houses" in Newman's case. It is wonderful that your reviewer should have blundered about the devotion paid to the Blessed Virgin in the Catholic Church. From the Penny Catechism he might have learnt that divine worship is to be paid to God alone, while to the Blessed Virgin an inferior worship only is to be given which differs from that given to God not in degree, but absolutely in kind.—I am, Sir, &c.,