The Deadlock Between Sweden And Norway Oontinues, The...
refusing to accept as Premier the leader of the Radicals, who had described his Majesty as "a foreigner," and the Storthing refusing to accept the "Ministry of affairs" which he......
Mr. Balfour On Wednesday Made A Striking Speech On...
at the Mansion House. We have said enough about the speech elsewhere ; but may mention here that Mr. Balfour ridicules the present currency of the Empire, which, he says, is......
As We Said Last Week, The World Is All Locked
together. The price of silver has risen to 300. an ounce, and the relief, which amounts to more than 8 per cent., on the home re- mittances of India will probably pay for the......
On Wednesday Mr. Asquith Addressed A Mass-meeting In The...
Hall, Nottingham. The most interesting portion of his speech was that which dealt with the Boot- . strike. After noting with satisfaction that a conference between the......
On Tuesday Sir Henry James, While Presiding Over A Meeting
of the Liberal Union Club, took the opportunity of denying the ridiculous rumours as to there being any friction either between the Conservatives and the Liberal Unionists, or......
A Great Debate In The French Senate On Tuesday Brings
under a strong light the burdens which the Governments which have ruled since 1870 have imposed on France. M. Loubet, Chairman of the Financial Committee, suggested that the......
We Regret To Record The Sudden Death Of General Sir
George Chesney, M.P. for Oxford, which occurred on Sunday, the cause being angina pectoris. Sir George was beat known in England as the author of "The Battle of Dorking," a......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Console (2!) were on Friday, 1041.......