The new number of that excellent quarterly, the Law Magazine
and Review, contains several articles which are of a popular character. Thus, there are two on India by Sir Richard Garth and Mr. John Dacosta, and a most exhaustive paper on State- Laboratories by Mr. F. H. Cripps-Day. The last brings forward foreign experience in such matters as adulteration with a view to aiding the British public and State in 'solving a. problem of immediate interest. We regret to notice the death of the editor
of this magazine, Mr. C. H. E. Carmichael. , •
Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland, A.D. 1803, by Dorothy Wordsworth. Edited by J. C. Shairp, Principal of the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonard, St. Andrews. Third Edition. (David Douglas, Edinburgh.)—We heartily welcome the third edition of one of the most delightful books of its kind in English literature.